Blue Economy Conference and Trade Exhibition

Hybrid Seminar (Online and Offline)

Implementation of Blue Economy To Promote the Fisheries and Aquaculture Economic Growth, Social Inclusion and Environmental Sustainability


Global production of aquaculture, one of the fastest-growing agriculture sectors, was reported at 90.4 million tonnes in weight with a value of US$ 144.4 billion in 2012 (FAO, 2014). Of this, the production of farmed food fish produced in 2012 particularly finfish two-thirds coming from inland aquaculture (44.2 million tonnes) and 5.6 million tonnes coming from mariculture. While this is a mere 12,6 percent of the total farmed finfish production, it covered 26,9 percent (US$ 23.5 billion) of the total value of farmed finfish species mainly due to the finfish grown from mariculture are higher in unit value than most freshwater-farmed finfish (FAO, 2014). The proportion of Indonesian production system is predicted to increase further as a vital complement to slowly declining global capture fisheries to resolve food securities worldwide. Thus Politeknik Ahli Usaha Perikanan as the centre of excellence for fisheries and aquaculture will provide an opportunity to share knowledge and technology to support the development of Indonesian Fisheries and aquaculture production system

Keynote Speakers

Aquculture Invited Speakers

Capture Fisheries & Post-Harvest Technology Invited Speakers

Education Enhancement Invited Speakers

Marine & Coastal Management Invited Speakers



Capture Fisheries & Post-Harvest Technology

Education Enhancement

Marine & Coastal Management and Surveillance

Important Dates

  • 7 August 2022

    Abstract Submission

  • 15 August 2022

    Deadline of Payment

  • 17 August 2022

    Notification of Acceptance

  • 22 - 24 Agustus 2022

    Seminar Day

  • 9 September 2022

    Article Submission

Registration Fee

Payment Type General Student
Participant without certificate
Participant with certificate
IDR 100.000 (USD 8)
IDR 50.000 (USD 4)
Presenter with certificate
IDR 200.000 (USD 16)
IDR 100.000 (USD 8)
Proceeding Publication Fee
IDR 100.000 (USD 8)
IDR 50.000 (USD 4)


Bank Name: Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI)
Bank Address: Dramaga, Bogor
Account Number: 0595 01 000312 56 5
Account Holder: Masyarakat Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan Indonesia